10 tips on how to write a creative writing essay

10 tips on how to write a creative writing essay

Although often boring and easily outsourced to professional paper writing services like EssayService, academic writing still requires you to have writing skills and at least a little creativity. And if we talk about a creative essay, which you too frequently get as an assignment, a lot of creativity. In the era of robots and artificial intelligence, ordinary human competencies such as creativity are becoming extremely important. And if any service like essayshark.com can write an essay for cheap on any topic, it takes more when it comes to creative writing. Let’s dive into the peculiarities of this type of content.

What’s a creative writing essay?

In this type of essay, the author tells a story or describes his real experience. At first glance, it is similar to a simple essay, but you need to try to attract the reader’s attention and to use the first-person narrative to interest him and, as if, make him participate in the events. At the end of such an essay, it is necessary to draw a conclusion.

While working on this type of work, you do have to be creative, as you are free from any restrictions on the topic! There may be situations where your professor can direct you to the right theme or narrow it down to a specific category of ideas for choosing topics. However, you still have to write the work yourself, create your structure, and follow a flight of thought and imagination. Do you want to know how to write a creative essay or use a essay service.

Write down the ideas. If you don’t have a deadline on fire for your essay, you can write down your ideas so that you can process them later or choose the best one. Do you know how sudden brilliant thoughts come at the most unexpected time? Don’t be lazy to open notes on your smartphone and write them down. On the other hand, if you don’t have much time for the preparation it’s better to buy essay service and forget about this task.

What should you do before writing?

Before you open an empty text document or take a piece of paper to follow the call of your heart, I want to advise you on some aspects of organizing your work. These simple steps will help you think more deeply about your idea and create your work’s skeleton.

  • Think about the topic and narrow it down. Before you start sketching out ideas on a topic that you think is ideal, try thinking about other options. The topic you will be describing should be not only familiar to you but also interesting and intriguing. So, you can not only describe what you know but also learn something new;
  • Become an explorer. Even if you feel like you are a guru in a chosen topic, you should not underestimate the additional research and more in-depth analysis. This will help you find more valuable facts, arguments, and material that can form the basis for your story. Use multiple sources and mix them together;
  • Draw a plan (main characters, place and time of action, and why they are doing it). These are the aspects you need to describe while you are working on your creative essay. Make sure you provide all the input data so that the reader is aware of what is going on and can understand your story’s meaning. The plan will help you not to lose the line of the story and not to turn your work into a stream of consciousness;
  • Write down the ideas. If you don’t have a deadline on fire for your essay, you can write down your ideas so that you can process them later or choose the best one. Do you know how sudden brilliant thoughts come at the most unexpected time? Don’t be lazy to open notes on your smartphone and write them down.
  • Write a draft. When looking at the previously written structure and plan, try to describe all the events in more detail and focus on what is happening in your story. Write the first draft without rereading it and remaining as unbiased as possible. As soon as you finish the first draft, reread it and fix any issues that seem inappropriate or wrong to you.
  • Analyze what you have written. Reread the draft, eliminate all unnecessary information, keep an eye on the flow of ideas and the smooth transition from one idea to another. Your reader should not miss the storyline or lose interest in reading.
  • Start writing. Once you have a satisfying format, you can start creating a fairy tale in a fair copy.

As you work on a creative essay, you may find that things are not going as smoothly as you have expected. However, don’t be afraid to edit your plan if you are at a dead end and don’t know how to proceed. It’s not always possible to bring the first idea to life.

How to develop the title of a creative essay?

The title is designed to make the potential reader, looking at it, understand how the content of the article meets his interests and whether it encourages him to read. Your title should attract attention and excite reading.

The title should not be long. If you can express your work’s main idea in four words instead of, for example, six, it will be great. However, you don’t have to choose a shorter but boring title if there is a catchy, interesting, though more voluminous one.

There is no need to worry too much about writing the perfect title. The most important thing is the content of your story.

Structure of a creative essay

Earlier, we talked about the fact that there is no exact structure in a creative essay. Of course, you shouldn’t stick to some exact formula that has been developed over the years. As a rule, even a creative essay consists of an introduction, the main body, and a conclusion. It is not difficult to guess that each part plays an important role in the development of your story and the interaction with the reader. It is believed that the Oxford method is the most successful. It consists of three parts: an action tie, a contradiction or conflict of interest, and a denouement.

  • An action tie. In the beginning, you should present to the reader the main characters, their relations, the situation, atmosphere, and describe developing events. Roughly speaking, you have to introduce your audience to the problem. Let people start to draw conclusions about the development of the story with the information you have presented.
  • The development of events. In the main part of the essay, there should be a particular turning point. It is a boiling point where your reader should hold his breath and feel as if he is about to start a free fall from the roller coaster’s highest point. You can make this moment more expected for your reader, or vice versa, turn it into a real surprise. It depends on what you, as a writer, decide to do.
  • The denouement. As a writer, you must decide when your story will be resolved and whether it will happen at all. Will the drama unfold and finally reach its peak in the denouement, or will everything settle down and end in a happy ending?

Post-writing tips

If you don’t have a deadline to submit your work, you should definitely take a break and rest. All your energy and thoughts were focused on writing a creative essay; you are already used to the text and will not be able to see the mistakes. Make some tea or go out for a run. If time permits, you can go back to checking your work tomorrow.

Read the work aloud and pay special attention to the rhythm and how your work will sound emotionally and phonetically to your readers. Make sure there are no sentences that are too long to read and that you have enough breath to finish reading them.

Particular attention should be paid to grammar and the correct use of words. Make sure that there are no repetitions too often, and use synonyms that you can find in the thesaurus. As for grammar mistakes, you can always check the work in one of the online services or ask your loved ones to proofread it for you.

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